Sunday, February 21, 2010

My fingers are burning!

Well that was a wild and crazy five hours! I offered/was asked to write the recap of NHRD's 79-72 win over GMDD and I wasn't actually at the event. I feel like I've been typing for the last several days (can fingers get muscle fatigue?) but I also have a feeling of accomplishment. I've never written something like that before!

Thanks very much to Slam I Am (NHRD's resident stats queen) and Pelvis Costello (our fantastic shared announcer with BDD) for their valuable feedback in writing my first recap. I've certainly got a lot to learn and I hope to make some improvements next time!

I promise that I haven't forsaken you, O Blogosphere! Unfortunately this past week was an ugly one where my non-derby life took everything over. The stress/spazziness even cause me to be off skates for most of Thursday's practice. While this week is shaping up to be pretty busy as well, I have my evenings available to refresh and relax.

A more thorough article will be forthcoming after Monday's practice. Cross my heart and hope to die. In the meantime, I go to the sleeping place, to dream derby dreams.

1 comment:

Callaluna said...

Umm, aren't you gonna share the recap?