Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pep talk

I needed one last night, big time. The last couple of practices have been hard on me, psychologically. My arch pain has been taking a toll on my ability to complete drills lately and I was sort of feeling like I'm never going to be able to move forward and that everyone thinks less of me because I keep having to drop out of drills.

We started off doing a pace line drill (which always kicks my butt anyway). We had to line up and then the first person in line sprints around the track to catch up to the back of the line. It will suffice to say that I am definitely NOT jammer material at this point in time. I was trying out an ankle bootie that wasn't working well with the new Superfeet insoles that Trixie was having me try.

Bettie sat down with me after another pace line drill (pushing and pulling) when my feet were SCREAMING and offered to take a look at them. She has some experience working in an industry that used to do custom orthotics. The verdict was that I have wonky feet (shocking, I know). The foot exercises that people have been given me won't fully help because it sounds like my feet are crooked.

I had an encouraging chat with Bettie after she finished squeezing my smelly feet. As I mentioned above, I have been really frustrated the past couple of practices. I know I am making progress, but I feel like my feet are holding me back from making further progress at the moment. Betty said that I need to have patience because I need to let my body catch up with the rest of me in terms of muscle strength and endurance.

Empress told me a few weeks ago when I was having major back issues that the hill I have to climb is probably a little bit longer and a little bit steeper than the hill that the other freshies were climbing so it will seem like I'm going slower, but really I just have a longer way to go.

When I started eight weeks ago, the thought that I would ever be able to skate around even a single cone on one foot seemed preposterous, yet I did it last week. I didn't think I was going the be able to push a line of four ladies around the track once but I did it yesterday (granted, I needed to take my skates off after but I still did it).

I was worried about the "football drill" that PutUNya had us do while Bettie and Woody laid the track because I have such a hard time getting up off the ground, but I did it, albeit slower than everyone else. I was on the floor and had to stand up at least 10 different times but I did it. I couldn't push myself off the floor at my first practice.

I feel like I slow everyone down. I feel bad for whichever line I'm in during relays because I'm slow and make us lose. I feel guilty being the last one to make it across the track during stepping drills because everyone is waiting for me so they can work on what THEY need to do.

I need to get over it. That's going to be hard for me.

I know I won't have a good practice every time, I just don't like having several bad practices in a row. Yesterday actually turned out OK as we got to work on some freshie stuff in the corral while everyone else did contact drills.

I think I'd like the opportunity to work on some stuff in a smaller group without the pressure of knowing you're in the "slow group" on the track - something like pack skating with the five of us non-contact people in the corral with speeding up and slowing down. There are few other things that are components of larger drills that I wish we n00bs could do mini drills with.

Thank you to everyone who has given me feed back or advice so far for my feet. I'm doing combinations of all of these in an attempt to get to the bottom of this foot thing. Part of it is strength and I'm just going to need to tough that out but another part is variable.

In other news, it sounds like I'll be skating with the Fox Cityz Foxes WTFDA-AL when I'm in Wisconsin in a few weeks. They know I am non-contact so it'll be interesting to see what other groups are like.

Blood drive Saturday and then a very exciting recruitment night on Sunday - we may have up to 14 new people in the next freshie class in April! :-D


Unknown said...

You can do it girl I have faith in you!! I'll see you at recruitment on Sunday!!!

Serena said...

Your mind says "They think I'm slow"
Their thinking "This girl just doesn't give up!"

Your mind says, "My feet are killing me."
Their thinking "Even injured she gives it her all."

Your mind says "I'm just not seeing improvement"
Their thinking "Look how far she's come!

Keep chasing the storms Doc! You'll catch them one day! :o)

Anonymous said...

Dude, let me tell you right now that none of your teammates think less of you if you drop out of a drill. We are on your side! Don't worry about relays- they aren't actual races. Heck, we don't even make sure the same amount of people are in each line! Those are just vehicles for each individual to try particular skills. You aren't slowing anyone down, don't worry.

Believe me, I know what it feels like to be progressing slower than you want, and to feel like you're not a good enough skater. Do I ever. But striving to improve my skills gives me chances to set goals and challenge myself. I love that. You're a fighter, and I suspect the thrill of that goal-chase is part of what hooked you, too. Now next time I have a bad practice, you may have to remind me of that. :)

Hold on tight, chin up, and don't worry what people are thinking at practice. We're thinking that you're awesome and we've got yer back.

-Hearty <3

Unknown said...

Really soon, when it gets warm out, we'll have access to Roby Park. A lot of times, we'll have a pick-up practice or clinic there. It's very low-key...we do a lot of the small group and one-on-one stuff you're talking about. I think you'll like it.

And Hearty and Serena are dead on with what people are thinking.

Larissa Powers said...

When I did my first triathlon I came in dead last! I shaved 10 minutes off my time by the fourth one. I think sometimes coming further than anyone else is one of the things that makes it the most worthwhile. Why don't you see a foot doctor? (are you afraid that they will tell you to stop skating?) I hope that you are enjoying your exercise ball if you got one. They are handy, dandy and actually make really excellent desk chairs if you get one tall enough (help improve posture and strengthen core while you work).

Mousling said...

I'm glad I'm not feels that the only one this way.

My first banked track experience this weekend was disastrous and just about everything you posted was what was going through my head.

The last practice my league did with TXRD we did this exercise where one person sat in the middle and closed their eyes while everyone else skated/moved around saying things to them one at a time and the middle person had to guess who it was by voice and nearly every single teammate was encouraging and telling me they were glad I didn't give up. The comment people are right. :)